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Circuit Breaker pattern

This Kata is based on the assumption that you’re running the Config service, Eureka service (Kata6) and Profiles Service (Kata6) in Docker.
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Enabling Hystrix in your application

Make sure that you have Actuator in your class-path


Add Hystrix to your application’s class-path:


Annotate your application with @EnableHystrix:

public class AccountsServiceApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        SpringApplication.run(AccountsServiceApplication.class, args);

Open http://dockerhost:7980 to get to the Hystrix dashboard:

hystrix dashboard

Stressing circuit breakers

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No problems detected in the application - everything is normal:

hystrix dashboard stream

When one of the dependencies goes down, system detects errors - note red circle and error count:

hystrix dashboard stream error

When the amount of errors goes over a threshold - circuit breaker trips (notice "Open" status):

hystrix dashboard stream error open

Turbine dashboard

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