This is the comprehensive follow-step-by-step guide that will teach you to build 12 Factor Cloud-native applications and get educated on the surrounding ecosystem.

This Dojo is a play ground that helps to bootstrap teams and individuals to the point when they understand basics of the micro-services and operational complexity.
This block of Katas (exercises) walk you through a Step-by-step process of connecting 2 web services and exposing their functionality to the rest of the world.
Read the whole Dojo Story for more details. This Story can be represented with this technology logo collage:

Follow the configuration instructions on how to prepare your machine for Katas. |
Kata # | Description | Tech Stack |
1 |
Spring Cloud |
2 |
Docker |
3 |
Flyway |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Eureka, Ribbon and Feign |
7 |
Hystrix |
8 |
Zuul |
Complimentary Katas:
Kata # | Description | Tech Stack |
a |
covers beginning of AngularJS |
b |
c |
Distributed Logging |
ELK Stack |
d |
Distributed Tracing |
Zipkin |
e |
Mesos, Marathon |
Contributed Katas:
Kata # | Description | Tech Stack |
a |
Spring REST Docs |
b |
Swagger |
c |
Aggregating Container Logs using Elasticsearch, Logbeat and Kibana |
ELK Stack |